
Holistic Integrated Complementary Medicine


Holistic Medicine believes that the patient needs to achieve balance and well being in all aspects of life: physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social and spiritual. Holistic Medicine practices conventional medicine, as well as complementary or alternative therapies, with the prevention of disease its primary focus.

Integrated Medicine entails the physician who practices both traditional and alternative medicine. With Integrated Medicine you get a physician that is concerned with the whole person (diet and lifestyle, mental well- being, prevention of disease, and overall balance and harmony) while using the latest scientific advances. Integrated Medicine is known to have a person-centered approach, which emphasizes understanding and caring.

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food."

Natural Healing is an art, and not an easy feat in today's fast food society that has us eating foods that are over-cooked, over-processed, hormone injected, and loaded with antibiotics. In order to give the body what it needs we have to be very cautious of what we eat and follow extremely strict diets, which includes organically grown, raw vegetables. Getting back to our roots of food fresh from the earth is the key principle of Natural Healing. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done and supplementation is a necessity. There are some other art forms of Natural Healing such as, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, and Homeopathy. Again, all forms of Natural Healing are centered on restoring the body to its natural state.

Herbal supplements are a type of dietary supplement that uses plant or plant parts for its therapeutic properties. Many herbs have a long history of use and of claimed health benefits. However, some herbs have caused health problems for users. If you would like to try an herbal dietary supplement for fibromyalgia, you should first speak with your doctor who may know more about the effectiveness, as well as whether it is safe to try in combination with your medications.

Herbal Dietary Supplements can come in many forms: dried, finely chopped, powdered, or as a liquid in a capsule. The key to safe and effective utilization of Herbal Dietary Supplements is to exercise caution. Also, never exceed suggested dosages unless recommended by your physician.

In the Mind-Body category a physician may help control symptoms of a patient's illness by using techniques like Meditation, Yoga, or Biofeedback.

Complementary Medicine in the Alternative Medical Systems category would use systems such as Homeopathic Medicine, Traditional *Indonesian/Malaysian 'Jamu'and Chinese Medicine.

The Biologically Based Therapies that may be used in Complementary Medicine would consist of the physician prescribing various dietary supplements and herbal products. In the Manipulative and Body-Based category, the physician may refer you to a Chiropractor or Massage Therapist.

In the Energy Therapy category the Complementary Medicine physician may use one of two types of therapy: Acupuncture, Qi Gong, Reiki or Therapeutic Touch.

Curcuma longa– turmeric

*Traditional Indonesian/Malaysian Jamu-the holistic approach*

The name of 'Jamu' calls for herbal remedies, without chemist material as additive. Jamu has traditional connotation, because Jamu is ancient tradition, before modern pharmacology comes in Indonesia/Malaysia. Some formulas have a hundred years old and are used until now.

There are many kinds of Jamu formulas that ready to use. Jamu is usually formed in powder but many Jamus for treatment has a gel/liquid. In recent years, Jamu has diversified from the traditional powder form to 100% herbal extract capsules.

Herbal roots


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